Friday, September 21, 2012

Day One!

Before I started this class I had a certain professor tell me this class was going to be too much of a challenge for me. It is my job now to prove them wrong. I know that I have the ability to excel in this class, and in anything I do.
 On the first day we discussed how school is different today than when I grew up. Children are now called, Digital students of today. They are constantly  finding new ways to feed their growing minds. We watched a certain video that explained how technology is a big part of today's learning.

 When I was little I did not spend 3 1/2 hours a day online. My mom forbade me from using the computer for more then 15 minutes because I was told it would rot my brain. My parents also told me that the more I was on the computer the less I would play outside and use my imagination.  It is very interesting to see technology in a bright light instead of something negative!

1 comment:

  1. I have been amazed at how technology is used in the classroom. I have similar concerns to you regarding certain sites, and as a future teacher I do think we need to proceed with caution when we are posting things online whether its pictures or student information! I liked your recommendation of the schooltube site..I'm going to check it out!
